Looking at PDF vs. DOC- Which format is better?

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It all depends on what job you are doing...Two universally recognized document formats are Adobe(r), PDF and Microsoft(r), Word DOC. Each format has its strengths and weaknesses. Which one is best for your documents, then? It all depends. Let's take a look at these two popular formats, and talk about when they're appropriate.

Use PDF format when appropriate

Printing: PDF is better than DOC when the goal is to print high-quality pages with high-resolution images and a precise layout. WYSIWYG files can be created with PDF and converters such as Wondershare PDFelement. This ensures that you will see exactly what you get in your print. Professional printers will accept PDF files, while Word DOC files are usually not. A PDF's print ready file transfer allows you to easily send a PDF file to a printer in another country or department without any rework.

Online Content: PDF can be used to take high-quality documents such as newsletters, catalogs, manuals and technical papers. You can make them accessible on the internet. You can convert scanned PDF to word and make it secure so it cannot be altered or read by others. It will also display correctly every time. You can also make PDFs behave like a webpage by adding a table, bookmarks, intradocument hyperlinks and searchability.

Archiving: PDF files compressed can be extremely compact so it's ideal for storage. The file layout can be viewed on any platform and is kept. Plus, PDF files can be searched, which makes it much easier for archived items and documents to be found, categorize and organized.

PDFs for Business and Legal Documents. These documents are vital and must be kept secure. You can protect your documents with the PDF format so that nobody can alter the wording of an applicant or terms of an agreement.

You can combine multiple formats: OCR pdf lets you import text from a Word file, images from different formats, Excel(r), spreadsheets, vector graphics and many more into one PDF document.

You Can View It: Anyone can view Word documents. To view them, you need to have Microsoft Office (proprietary software) installed on your system. Anyone can view a PDF, however, provided they have the Adobe(r] Acrobat(r), Reader free of charge. This is available on most computers with Windows operating systems. PDF is the best format to create a document that can be viewed by many people.

File Exchange: PDF allows users to exchange documents. It is compact and can store metrics and information about the document's appearance (layout, fonts content, etc.). The document can also be saved as a separate file. It does not necessarily have to depend on fonts or settings installed on the user's computer for proper display.

When is Word format appropriate?

Reusing Images: Word documents can be used to easily extract images and then reuse them. Because the PDF's images are embedded, this is not possible.

Word Processing: Microsoft Word can be used as a word processor. Adobe(r), Acrobat(r), is not. Word is better for writing written documents like memos, business letters, and memos. Word documents offer the benefit of grammar-checking and spell-checking among other useful writing tools.

Word's editing capabilities are unquestionable. Word offers intuitive formatting and compositional tools, allowing you to create a document from scratch. It is simple to edit large sections of text using Word or the DOC format. You can also change the flow between pages and alter font sizes and styles. A PDF file can only hold a handful of words at a given time, and has very limited editing options. Word is much more flexible and powerful than PDF when it comes to editing documents.

Conclusion: Which format is best?

A combination of both these formats is the best strategy. Word is best for editing works-in-progress and making changes. PDF is preferred for sharing and viewing documents. You can keep your original document in Word format, then convert it to PDF once it is finished.

What if you have a PDF file that requires major editing? It's best to convert the document to Word format and then make any necessary edits. From that Word document, create a PDF. This strategy allows you to make customized PDFs with Microsoft Word. This is why our Solid Converter PDF program was created.

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